While I can't manage to post regularly on this blog, I am a recently published writer!
(Not my first published work--there was that amazing poem I wrote in 3rd grade that was published in an anthology of kids' poetry...) A local language club asked our school to contribute an article on art education for their Nov/Dec issue. I wrote the following article and had a fellow staff member and friend Judy Guo translate it into Chinese. She was my faithful translator during the summer of 2011 when I taught a week long course about Western approaches to art education for local Chinese educators so I knew she could translate the content-specific vocabulary.
If you want to see the article in the e-zine, you can try clicking on the online version
here. I can't get it to work but maybe it will load on your computer. Oh and my article made the cover--it's that random explosion of pink, orange, blue and green letters across those kids. No, I did not pick the colors...
BTW, if you're my mom or grandma, I have an actual print copy of the magazine for you.
The Aroma of Art Education—by Stephanie Melachrinos
麦世宁, Translation by Judy Guo

成年人只要一走进我的教室就会立即注意到里面的气味并对之加以评论。我却没注意到有什么气味。很明显,这气味就是颜料、画纸、蜡笔和黏土的味道,因为这是艺术教室。但是在这充满魔力的空间会发生什么事情呢?因为大部分人 都不会跨过门槛进教室来,所以他们就无法发现艺术课不仅仅是编篮子和用夏令营的剩料做挂链了。艺术课也并非模仿哪位大家,它的内涵远非这些。Adults
walk into my classroom and immediately comment on the smell. I don’t even notice it. Apparently it smells like paint, paper, crayons,
and clay. It is the art room. But what
happens in this magical space? Most will
never cross the threshold to discover that art class is more than basket
weaving and lanyards from summer camp.
It is also not defined by copying from a master. It is much more.
class is a place where students participate in the act of creation and explore
beauty in the world. To make art is to
be human. It separates us from animals;
it separates us from machines. Through
art, we connect with our soul. We
nurture our spirit. We add to the
the art room, students develop communication skills—visual literacy. In addition to creating art, we look at art,
think about art, and speak about art (orally and in writing). While most adults do not sit down to paint a
landscape or sketch a portrait, they are looking, thinking, and speaking every
day of their life. Art class is a time
to be thoughtful and intentional about these processes. What do
you see? What is being
communicated? What does it mean? How do you explain that to another person? We live in a culture where we are bombarded
by images and advertisements, even from our own computer screen before we’ve
left the comfort of our apartment. Are
you a passive receiver or an engaged viewer?
Hone these skills in the art room.
thinking skills and creativity also grow in the art room. I love to give assignments with a small set
of criteria. As long as the students do
not break these rules, they are free to do as they want. For example, each elementary student made a design
last year with the following parameters:
design must be symmetrical.
design must have a border.
design must include your name.
design must be made in colored pencil using one assigned color.
the limitation of one color, how were they to create an interesting
design? For starters, we had four or five
different “blue” colored pencils. With
each pencil, they could press lightly, medium strength, or hard to create
different values. Additionally, they
could layer the blues to create more variety.
Fine Arts Gala)中展出。The name was also a struggle. How could it be symmetrical? Students had to think creatively to meet this
requirement. The finished pieces were hung
together in a display for the Elementary Fine Arts Gala.
the process of making this and other art, we explore different materials,
develop fine motor skills, and apply concepts from other disciplines. We measure our artwork, use a ruler to draw a
border, divide the composition with a grid, describe artwork using nouns,
verbs, and adjectives, paint a landscape with animals from the African
Savannah, identify facts about artists and express opinions, graph favorite art
materials, or learn to draw 3D solids such as cylinders and cubes. Time in the art room reinforces these and
many other concepts and skills from across the subjects. It is a holistic learning environment where
the seeds of knowledge planted by other teachers sprout into works of art.
time you walk by the art room, pause, take in the smell, and watch the beauty